ech·o /’ekō/ :

a close parallel or repetition of an idea; to be repeated after the original; be reminiscent of or have shared characteristics with

“And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.” Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬

[ The word “sound” here is the Greek word ἦχος (ēchos), where we get the English word echo. This echoing sound from heaven was the promise of the Father, the birth of the true “House of God” on the earth. ]

The East Valley of Phoenix, Arizona, has witnessed a 35% increase in population since 2000, with an anticipated additional growth of 18% by 2040.

Research indicates that only 39% of adults in this region identify as Christian, leaving 61% of the adult population in these communities yet to experience the transformative influence of the resurrected Christ. We believe establishing a new community of believers, dedicated to really echoing the teachings of Jesus daily, is the best strategy to connect with this large group of people.

Conclusive data underscores that creating new churches proves to be the most effective strategy for engaging the unchurched. Numerous multi-denominational studies affirm that a typical new church, such as a church plant, attracts 60-80% of its members from those not affiliated with any church. In contrast, churches aged 10-15 years or older acquire 80-90% of new members through transfers from existing congregations.

The establishment of a new church holds the potential to bring 6-8 times more individuals into the body of Christ.

Daniel Goulding and his wife, Ashley, have been married for 14 years, and together have two children, Makenna (14) and Brayden (11).

Daniel has been in vocational ministry since 2011, with a background in teaching, leading and building various ministries. With his experience on staff at different churches building youth and young adult ministries, God has been preparing him to start this church for some time now. Daniel brings an unwavering passion to help people know who they truly are in Christ by living out their God-given purpose.

Daniel will serve as the Lead Pastor of Echoes Church, exercising his gifting and calling to preach God’s word and build His church.

Daniel Goulding
Lead Pastor, Echoes Church


Please pray that God would continue to provide clear direction and vision for this church. Praying for wisdom and discernment, to continue to pursue His will to be done in and through His people.

Social media is the easiest, and most practical, way for us to communicate and connect with those interested in knowing more about Echoes Church. In the days, weeks and months ahead we will be continuing to share more about this movement, as well as ways to get involved.

We know the "Church" doesn't exist outside the people that make it what it is. If you're interested in learning more about the heart and vision of Echoes Church, and have a shared desire and calling to be a part of this church plant launch team, then please fill out the following questionnaire.

The faithfulness and generosity of those led to support this vision provide the ability for this ministry to help more people experience Jesus. Your financial contribution supports the outreach, operations, development and launch of this church.